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For over 18 years, VP Strat has been helping its customers to implement and deploy media strategies.

Press relations: a strategic lever for your corporate reputation !

With a keen understanding of complex business issues, the team helps companies build lasting, constructive relationships with journalists.

From content writing and targeting to media buying, the agency deploys a full range of expertise to deliver concrete results tailored to customer objectives.

Media training with TV journalist

To master your interviews, improve your public speaking and the content and form of your messages, the agency has developed a custom media training approach.

Press relations as an essential lever for raising brand awareness and image

6 questions to understand press relations

Press Relations strategy

Forging links with the media: VP Strat assists numerous players in building a relevant media strategy to support their development.


Content writing

To draft the most efficient and adapted press contents, our team is composed of former journalists who are used to dealing with complex matters.

Dedicated team

VP Strat relies on its network and highly operational team to ensure direct contact with editors.

Monitoring and KPI’s

Our customers benefit not only from regular monitoring of their news and environment, but also from detailed KPI’s to enhance the value of their actions.

Press Relations Agency

Some Press Relations customer projects

For over 18 years, we've been helping you build media strategies and lasting relationships with journalists.

VP Strat, press relations agency

6 questions and answers about press relations

What are press relations for ?

Press Relations are all actions designed to build and maintain a positive relationship with journalists in order to improve the notoriety (visibility) or image (reputation) of the communicating company.

In this way, the company expresses itself or demonstrates its dynamism to its ecosystem and market (customers, influencers…) by taking over the media field.

As the media are important relays of opinion, Press Relations enable you to respond to different communication strategies depending on your objectives (long term, short term, image, awareness, crisis…). With over 18 years’ experience, VP Strat’s media relations experts can guide you through these strategies.

Why does my company need a press relations agency?

Press relations require specific expertise.

Choosing a communications agency such as VP Strat to manage your company’s press relations means you benefit from the support of dedicated professionals with media expertise and experience, as well as an outside perspective.

VP Strat is in daily contact with journalists. Our network enables us to maximize press opportunities for our customers.

The VP Strat communications agency offers the strength of its address book and journalistic network. Our teams know how to spike journalists’ interest and find the best journalistic angles, thanks to their in-depth knowledge of the business. We also have highly effective softwares for optimizing press strategy (journalist database, mailing, monitoring and alert software, etc.).

How do I choose the best press relations agency for my sector?

To choose the best press relations agency for your sector, you can base your decision on a number of criteria :

  • The agency’s expertise in your business sector, taking into account references, rankings and customer testimonials. At VP Strat, we support companies, managers and their advisors in the B2B sector. We are ranked as “Leading” in Restructuring & Troubled Companies – Crisis Communication and “Excellent” in Corporate Communication and Communication for Lawyers and the Professions. Visit our “About us” page to find out more about us.
  • The relevance of the agency’s support proposal to the needs you have expressed, and its ability to align the press relations strategy with the objectives you have set (does it prepare to communication built over time or a media coup, classic or crisis communication, etc.).
  • It’s also important to meet with the team to assess compatibility with a view to future collaboration: is there a good understanding between your teams and those of the agency? Does the agency’s DNA match your own? This is essential as you will be exchanging information on a regular basis, several times a week!

How do you measure the success of a press relations campaign?

A classic(vs. crisis) press relations strategy is a long-term one, and it’s only after several months of continuous work that you’ll be able to measure the real impact of your strategy.

You can measure the punctual impact of a communication campaign by taking into account various indicators:

  • Media coverage is the most visible indicator: quantity and quality of coverage (depending on the content of the articles, the language used and the relevance of the media relaying the information to your target audience).
  • Public engagement through reactions, comments and information sharing on social networks
  • Online traffic to your website / e-commerce platform
  • Achievement of campaign objectives (if any) such as lead generation.

In the long term: tracking key performance indicators (KPI’s) will enable you to assess the evolution of your brand’s reputation. VP Strat will help you analyze these results and adjust your strategy for future campaigns.

How quickly can I see the results of a press relations strategy?

It all depends on your objectives. An image-building press relations strategy is a long-term process, and it is only after several months of continuous work that you will be able to measure the real impact of your strategy on your company’s reputation and brand awareness.

For more occasional actions around an event or crisis, for example, issuing a press release can generate media coverage almost immediately (if the subject is attractive) or within a few days. Results can then be measured quickly.

Do not hesitate to contact us to find out about the best press relations strategies for your specific needs.

Can a PR agency manage a communications crisis?

Your press relations agency can handle crisis communications, provided it has genuine expertise in this very special and sensitive area of communication, which is outside the scope of day-to-day press relations and requires highly specialized and specific expertise. Our corporate and crisis communications agency has extensive expertise in press relations. VP Strat assists companies, managers and shareholders in special situations. The agency is ranked as “leading”. Access our rankings

Responsive and efficient in giving the good advice I needed and, with a smile. Many thanks

I really appreciated VP Strat's responsiveness. The agency combined a business, web and digital approach.

Prise de parole en public dans le cadre des relations presse
Pour les relations presse, pensez au média training, visuel d'une personne qui parle dans le cadre d'un interview

Press Relations Agency

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VP Strat – 25, rue d’Enghien 75010 Paris
Tel : +33 (0)1 40 28 46 18
