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Internal and social communication is essential for explaining and getting staff to support the company’s projects. We integrate internal communication into all of our external communications to maintain coherence and impact. We develop the appropriate documents and sequencing. We have considerable expertise in crisis management.

Participation in the strategic internal communications unit

Our team participates in strategic thinking within the framework of the strategic units set up for this purpose.

We provide external input on internal communication strategies, sequencing and specific items of language, always while consulting internal groups.

We provide an outside viewpoint, not a substitute for in-house specialists. But we do have considerable expertise in crisis situations.

Preparing the CSE

We develop explanatory and educational powerpoints to accompany meetings with employee representatives, as well as useful Q&A for management. Bilingual English communication possible.

Managerial and supervisory communications

We set up videoconferences and FAQ for managers to help them increase communication and answer their teams’ questions. Bilingual English communication possible.

Communication with employees

Message from management to all staff, speeches, simplified educational FAQs, press release sent before any external publication, videos from the executive, video-conferences, collaborative platforms, internal letters to communicate.

We put all the documents and tools in place in a carefully thought-out sequence. Bilingual English communication possible.

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VP Strat – 25, rue d’Enghien 75010 Paris
Tel : +33 (0)1 40 28 46 18
