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What is crisis communication?

First and foremost, crisis communication is about anticipating weak signals in order to forestall a crisis. It is also a set of techniques and methods for managing your image when your company or organization is faced with a special situation or crisis.. Crisis or special situation communication meets very operational objectives: keeping staff mobilized, reassuring customers and suppliers, explaining things to the press, avoiding a “rush for shelter” phenomena or uncontrolled excesses…

The main principles of crisis communication

Whether it is anticipating or reacting, crisis communication requires the application of 3 key principles if it is to be as successful as possible:

Speed: to avoid spreading rumours and take control of messages

Coherence: to channel the various sources of radiation

Rigor: to control messages

These are the principles that guide the support and work of the VP STRAT teams, with a track record of success and significant results in relation to the objectives set by customers.

“Reactivity and message control are essential to support the end of the crisis”.

How do you communicate in a crisis situation?

“To say nothing is to let it be said “

There is still a lack of understanding of the contribution that communication can make in times of crisis or difficulty. Not knowing how to control it, some companies refrain from considering it, thinking that the dust won’t get out from under the carpet. This is the worst attitude to adopt. At a time when information circulates at high speed via social networks and 24-hour news channels, you need to take control of your reputation, or others will take care of conveying messages for you.

So, in these anxiety-provoking situations, failure to take control of your communications opens the door to fears, rumors, a deterioration of your image, and the “rush to shelter” phenomena that will be detrimental to your company’s interests.

What iss the right strategy for crisis communication?

Offensive strategy

In all cases, communication – a set of methods and techniques for managing your image – must be considered. But communication doesn’t necessarily mean “communicating” ! We communicate offensively, when the signs of a crisis appear and require a response. Our messages are well-focused and well-thought-out in order to pre-empt and not leave the first word to someone else to explain the situation and answer questions.

Defensive strategy

Conversely, if the crisis is potential but undeclared, we can apply a “defensive” strategy (anticipate and be ready). Social network and media monitoring tools are essential for detecting weak signals of a crisis, and anticipating crisis scenarios and messages in advance. These elements of language will only be useful if the crisis materializes (if it generates emotion and requires you to speak up), but in any case they enable you to be ready to communicate and to reassure internal staff (at different levels) in anticipation.

In both cases (“offensive” or “defensive” communication), responsiveness and message control are essential to reassure, move forward and rebuild in a positive way!

Read 5 examples of crisis communication strategies on our blog.

How to manage and successfully communicate a crisis?

Communication isn’t about theoretical and conceptual blather or having an address book It is a set of techniques and methods that serve two highly operational objectives : take control of your reputation, because if you don’t, others will communicate on your behalf (as we’ve just mentioned), safeguard and promote your goodwill by avoiding the “rush for shelter” phenomenon (staff, customers, suppliers, elected representatives, etc.). Communication is also essential to promote the Group’s strengths and prospects All of this is necessary to support sustainable exit solutions, whether this involves a continuation plan, new money or a recovery plan.

The fundamentals of crisis communication

Every situation has its own communication, but we can identify a few basic methods to help us frame our actions and discourse as effectively as possible. It is important for all the parties involved (AJ/MJ, financial and legal advisors, managers….) to be able to understand every stage of our work, and to witness the vital role we play in these special situations, while jointly validating the elements of communication. Nothing leaves without their approval. Our aim is to demonstrate that communication is not just aimless verbiage, but an operational crisis management tool based on a set of methods and techniques.

Each crisis has its own particularities. Our work is therefore highly structured to take into account the different elements of a project and integrate the points of view of the various stakeholders (internal, external, project advisors, etc.). Listening is very important in our business. Strategic objectives are at the heart of what we do: we don’t communicate for the sake of communicating, but to serve business objectives. and promote defined exit solutions. From then on, our method is usually broken down into seven fundamentals:

Integrate the strategy or crisis unit as soon as possible

This is essential if we are to set up a joint strategic discussion with all stakeholders, including lawyers, financiers and management. This is vital if we are to work together to find the best possible way out of the crisis, and speak with one voice. But also to encourage the validation process for communication elements: nothing is released without the agreement of the strategic or crisis unit in place.

Set up a web watch immediately

This highly specialized monitoring of social networks, blogs, forums and the mediawill enable you to react in real time, detect weak signals and identify your ambassadors or detractors.

Define clear strategic communication objectives

Communication will vary depending on whether you are considering a continuation plan, a contribution of new money or a takeover plan…

Identify key targets

There are internal and external relay targets, as well as companion targets who can help relay the right messages in a positive way (ambassadors vs. detractors),

Draft coherent language and designate a spokesperson

Preparation for questions and answers via a Q&A so as not to be caught off guard, even on the most sensitive issues; as well as “common core” messages to reinforce coherence and feed into elements such as speeches for staff or the press release…

Implement communication in a structured and timely manner

Staff meetings; prepared exchanges with journalists; reassuring communication with customers; case-by-case explanations with suppliers and creditors; but also reactive management of social networks, etc.

Helping people emerge from the crisis

In this last phase, it is important not to lose the thread of communication, but above all to communicate on “facts” / “evidence” demonstrating that the recovery or crisis exit plan is underway.

Crisis communication: VP Strat’s expertise

Au-delà de ces méthodes, de nombreux conseils et astuces peuvent être appliqués à chaque situation de par notre connaissance des médias et des réseaux sociaux. We also sometimes just bring our vision and advice as a communicator to a case without intervening in an operational way, all in absolute confidentiality. Each case has its own story.

See also our publications in the press :

MAYDAY Magazine – The Conforama-Challenges case: communication at the heart of preventing difficulties

LES ECHOS – Court-ordered reorganization: essential communication to restore confidence

MAYDAY Magazine – #Interview: “In special situations, communication must serve very operational objectives”, by Véronique Pernin, founder of VP Strat

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