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VP Strat has developed a highly reactive and operational communication approach to anticipate risks, protect companies or communicate during M&A operations.

The team, led by Véronique Penin, is recognized as “Leading”
in the rankings

Communication is essential for companies in difficulty

The crisis is a paradigm shift for companies and organizations: hypersensitivity, loss of rationality, acceleration of the time factor, rumors, fake news.

We then need to switch to crisis communication, using very precise, sequenced techniques and methods.

With continuous information channels and social networks, everything moves faster. There is a great deal of porosity between internal and external communications.

Read the interview with Véronique Pernin in the Polytechnique alumni magazine

The different types of crisis situations

COmmunication de reprise - restructuring - restructuration - tribunal de commerce - cession - reprise - agence de communication VP Strat

Procedural communication

When a company is about to enter a procedure (prevention, conciliation, collective proceedings…)it is important to anticipate the situation by preparing communication materials in advance, even if the company does not wish to communicate (so as to be able to react quickly in the event of a leak).

VP Strat supports you in procedures to help you maintain control over your communication and restore positive momentum while maintaining stakeholder confidence.

Communication allows you to convey the messages you want to your ecosystem, both internally (employees) and externally (press, institutions, customers, financial partners…).

Every strategy is tailor-made to meet your specific objectives.

A concrete example of our action:

  • An industrial group, leader in its sector in Europe and with strong local roots, enters into proceedings to renegotiate its bank debts with its financial partners.
  • Risk: If communication is not controlled, the launch of the procedure could create anxiety among employees, who could contact the press with anxiety-provoking messages, with the local press covering the situation without your input.> concern about the company, which could spread throughout your ecosystem.

VP Strat’s action

  • Integration of the crisis unit
  • Creation of internal and external communication elements, delivery of a turnkey communication kit
  • Identification of target journalists, distribution of press releases
  • Organization of two press reports at the plant
  • Media training for executives before the press arrives

Result: Positive articles are appearing in the local press, echoing all the established language, and communicating the company’s new dynamic, which is now entering the process of serenely pursuing its growth plan.

Communication en procédure - restructuring - judiciaire - tribunal de commerce - agence de communication

M&A communications

As a real tactical lever, takeover communication can play an important part in your strategy to win the bid by tipping the balance in your favor (on the buyer’s side), attracting buyers or protecting your image (on the seller’s side).

VP Strat develops operational strategies tailored to your specific situation.

VP Strat supports you with a methodical, operational communications strategy, delivering clear, high-impact messages to your core target audience. Well-orchestrated takeover communications following a methodical timetable can make all the difference to your competitors.

I’m a candidate for a takeover. Why communicate?

  • Tactical leverage to promote your offer and your company
  • Be identified as a serious candidate
  • Convincing employee representatives and the works council
  • Win the support of the local ecosystem (teachers, etc.)…
  • Engage with and reassure your own teams
  • Reposition your strengths in the market

I’m a seller, why communicate?

  • Tactical leverage to promote your company and your strengths
  • Engage and re-motivate internal staff with a positive corporate dynamic
  • Mobilize the press around your company, attract investors or potential buyers
  • Protect your image (especially if the proceedings concern a subsidiary)

A concrete example of our work:

  • A family-owned industrial group positions itself to take over one of its competitors. Perceived as an “outsider”, and faced with an offer from one of the European leaders in its sector, the group called on VP Strat to ensure that its communications served its recovery objectives.

VP Strat’s action

  • Integration of the strategy unit with all boards
  • Creation of a communication strategy adapted to the procedural timetable (respecting confidentiality regarding the TC)
    • Multi-phase strategy and anticipation of different scenarios
    • Tailor-made strategy for specific targets (press, institutional, internal…)
  • Delivery of a turnkey communication kit

Result The takeover bid was approved by the Court, and the candidate who was initially perceived as a challenger was able to convince the Court and the staff.

Crise corporate oui de gouvernance - communication politique - restructuring - retournement des entreprises en difficulté - agence de communication corporate VP Strat

Corporate or governance crisis

A search warrant, leaked documents, an incriminating report… VP Strat helps you overcome corporate or governance crises by building an impactful and coherent communication strategy to keep you in control of the communication surrounding your company and reassure your ecosystem.

  • Integration of the crisis unit
  • Immediately setting up a press and social network watch to follow the evolution of the conversation around your company in real time
  • Construction of the communications strategy, its sequencing and all deliverables (tailored to the situation: press release, Q&A, statement, letters and speeches from the Chairman, press conference, internal documents, etc.).
  • Filtering press requests to protect the company (VP Strat can act as spokesperson)
Crise social interne grève manisfestation ressource humaine - entreprise en difficulté agence de communication VP Strat

Social and internal crisis

Internal investigation, labor unrest, sudden resignation of a manager, failure of a major project… Numerous internal crises can hamper the smooth running of a company, and represent a danger externally, with the risk of employees or unions contacting the press or expressing themselves on social networks.

In order to restore confidence, unite and remobilize employees, internal crises require an effective communication strategy so that the company can continue to operate normally.

A concrete example of our work :

A group contacts VP Strat after an internal investigation into a serious incident. An atmosphere of distrust reigns internally, with employees divided, no longer trusting management, and no longer committed to the success of the current transformation plan, in which they no longer believe.

VP Strat action

  • Integration of crisis unit with lawyers
  • Diagnose the situation and immediately set up a press and social network watch to react in real time in the event of an external leak.
  • Crisis communication strategy and sequencing
  • Strategy and language for internal communication (tailored to your needs: CSE Powerpoint, FAQ, press release, statement, letter…)
  • Construction of external language elements (defensively on sensitive points so as to know how to respond in the event of a question)
  • Accompanying and preparing managers for speaking engagements (oral speeches, internal memos, etc.)
  • Implementation of an emergency support system by our teams that can be activated immediately in the event of a leak.

Result Thanks to controlled, sequenced communication, internal staff are re-solidified and re-mobilized around the strategic plan. There was no need for unions and employees to alert the press in an attempt to raise awareness, and no leaks. The internal investigation proceeds smoothly.

Coronavirus outbreak. Pathogen affecting the respiratory tract. COVID-19 infection. Concept of a pandemic, viral infection. Coronavirus inside a human. Viral infection. 3D illustration

Health crisis

Because they carry a great deal of emotion and pressure (from the media, institutions and public opinion), health crises must be handled with particular care to protect the group and its reputation.

Health crises are very difficult subjects, requiring the application of 5 key principles:

  • Analysis of the situation
  • Speed, but without haste (to avoid the spread of rumors, take control of messages and actions).
  • Coherence
  • Austerity
  • Empathy for victims

VP Strat supports you in your health crisis communications to protect your company, act as a filter for the press, and help you in your communications with your ecosystem (customers, ARS, DDPP, etc.), to reassure stakeholders and show that you are doing everything necessary to deal with the situation. The agency also immediately sets up a press and social network watch to monitor activity around the company in real time, and react in real time in the event of a media frenzy.

Interior of the contemporary industrial plant working. Numerous people are near the equipment. Generative AI.

Industrial crisis

Explosions, pollution, site contamination, accidents… Industrial crises are numerous and expose you to strong pressure from the media and local politicians and institutions.

VP Strat will support you through this ordeal, helping you to communicate with your ecosystem to protect the company, act as a filter for the press, reassure stakeholders and show that you are taking all necessary measures to deal with the situation.

The agency also immediately sets up a press and social network watch to monitor activity around the company in real time, and react in real time in the event of a media frenzy.

Cyber attaque - communication de crise - aide gerer entreprises en difficulté - retournement des entreprises - conseil coporate agence de communication VP strat paris

Cyber attack

A cyber attack can have far-reaching consequences for a company, from the loss of sensitive data to the paralysis of your IT systems, bringing major disruption to your operations.

VP Strat can help you through this ordeal, helping you to communicate with your ecosystem (customers, suppliers…) to reassure and explain the situation factually, in line with legal requirements.

VP Strat acts as a filter for the press, and can act as a spokesperson to protect the company and its executives.

A concrete example of our work:

One of the agency’s customers is the victim of a cyber-attack that paralyzes his entire IT system (no servers, no email addresses, preventive shutdown of all computers…).

VP Strat action:

  • Integration of the crisis unit (with in-house staff, lawyers, investigators, etc.)
  • Immediately set up a press and social network watch to analyze weak signals and any mention of the cyber attack.
  • Customer, supplier and institutional mail (validated by lawyers)

Management of requests from journalists: the agency acts as a filter for solicitations and tries to contain information so that it does not get into the press, in order not to further disrupt the group, which is already heavily impacted.

Communication de crise en situations spéciales par agence VP Strat conseil corporate

Other special situations

Because every crisis is unique, VP Strat takes a flexible, operational approach to special situations, adapting to your specific situation and deploying an effective strategy to meet your objectives.

Crisis communication is essential to help the company :

  • Maintain or gain trust
  • Master its communication
    through the right messages
  • Be a tactical leverage
    for negotiations
  • Rebuild the vision
    for the company and guide the top management

VP Strat isn't about appearances; the agency isn't selling influence or knowledge it doesn't have, as is sometimes the case in the profession.

VP Strat's teams master the financial aspects, understand the industrial aspects and have a good knowledge of the restructuring business.

Véronique and her teams know how to build a relationship of trust with the press, so they can send the right messages at the right time. Responsive and available, they understand the customer's needs.

Crisis communication basics at VP Strat

As soon as the mission is signed, VP Strat mobilizes its associates and teams to analyze and understand the challenges in terms of communication.

An analysis of the background, the environment, the reading of all the necessary documents, as well as interviews with the people needed to understand the situation.

At the same time, we monitor the media, the Internet and social networks using real-time tracking tools, so we can react immediately.

To anticipate : Thanks to powerful monitoring software, the agency immediately sets up a media watch (online) and social networks (public data on X, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn, Youtube) to follow the conversation around your brand in real time (and monitor sensitive topics with particular attention).

To listen : Real-time alerts and “Smartboards” enable us to follow the evolution of the conversation around monitored topics in real time.

The team produces regular analysis reports (daily, weekly… as required) for the crisis unit, and alerts you in real time.

To protect : Crisis communication system that can be activated immediately in the event of a crisis, with operational support from VP Strat.

This essential document enables everyone to agree on the key "communication" figures and facts, so as to align all the messages that will be communicated (which is not so simple!).

  • Key figures over several years (sales, Ebitda, workforce, etc.)
  • Company history
  • Shareholders and governance
  • Geographical locations
  • Activities and highlights
  • The main thrusts of the strategic plan
  • Etc.

The strategic or crisis cell is a MUST in a crisis, to enable us to think collectively, to have the same level of information, to validate communication documents together, and to mobilize urgently to deal with the crisis.

Integration of VP Strat into the team made up of management and key advisors:

    • The unit validates communication strategy and documents
    • It can be called upon at any time in an emergency at the initiative of the manager.
    • Designation of a SINGLE spokesperson to avoid the “cacophony” of different sources (rigor)
    • Choice of a code name for the file (confidentiality is a key point of our intervention)

The Q&A is THE reference document for crisis communication.

It’s universal, so you can speak to all targets (internal, external, press) and cover all points without self-censorship.

It is validated by the members of the unit. This document is the basis for the messages: the statement and the answers to the questions.

It will be supplemented throughout the mission to respond “reactively” to changes in the situation.

As a company grows and develops, it is exposed to an ever-increasing number and variety of risks: economic, ecological, social, corporate, health, IT...

It is vital to anticipate crises so as to know how to react quickly to limit and contain their effects.

VP Strat can help you structure a highly operational, coherent and easily applicable Crisis Communication Guide, including the following elements:

  • Anticipation of scenarios, assessment of severity level
  • Construction of a complete crisis communication guide, procedures to be implemented immediately, first key messages to be adapted to each scenario.
  • Composition of crisis units according to crisis type
  • Training on the guide during a half-day presentation to the various crisis units
  • Turnkey guide delivery
  • In the event of a crisis, and if necessary: a contract for support that can be activated immediately, and the setting up of a social networking and press monitoring system

Communicate your key messages clearly and confidently, while managing your image and reacting appropriately under pressure.

  • Development of the right language elements, preparation and support for speaking engagements
  • Drafting of speeches, letters, preparation of major internal (CSE, annual results, etc.) and external (press interviews, TV appearances, press conferences, etc.) communication deadlines.
  • Image protection, confidence-building, message credibility
  • Coaching session with a TV journalist for on-camera training

Crisis communication and special situations agency

15 questions and answers to help you understand crisis communication

1. What are the key principles of crisis communication?

Each crisis is unique, and each communication strategy is tailored to the company’s specific situation.

However, for each crisis, the main principles must be applied:

  • Working as a team: to validate language, share information effectively, surround yourself with all the expertise and skills needed to overcome the crisis (management, communications consultants, lawyers, HR, etc.).
  • A single spokesperson
  • Rigorous, consistent messaging
  • Transparency: to appear as a trusted partner
  • Never look to tomorrow, always say what is true today

2. What's the difference between crisis communication and crisis management?

Crisis management concerns all the actions deployed to respond to a crisis, while crisis communication focuses on the way stakeholders (internal, press, suppliers, customers, etc.) are informed during a crisis.

3. How to choose a spokesperson in crisis communication?

In crisis communication, there is a golden rule: appoint only one spokesperson a single spokesperson . This is essential to avoid a cacophony of messages, or spokespeople contradicting each other.

To protect executives, VP Strat usually acts as a filter for the press and as the company’s spokesperson; but it’s entirely possible for the executive or one of his or her representatives (communications director, etc.) to take on this role if you prefer.

In all cases, it is necessary to proceed to an in-cell validation of messages and language elements It is also important to be prepared beforehand for speaking engagements (media training) and exchanges with journalists, in front of whom it’s important to stay in control (don’t go beyond what you want to say, even if they insist on it).

4. What is a post-crisis communication strategy?

After a crisis, it is important to maintain corporate communications to support your company’s new momentum.

A post-crisis communication strategy aims to restore stakeholder confidence and strengthen your organization’s reputation. The messages put forward are designed to respond to the concerns of the ecosystem and demonstrate the concrete actions implemented in the wake of the crisis (strategic plan, new processes, etc.).

5. Why is it important to continue communicating after a crisis?

In the months following a crisis, it is important to maintain corporate communications around your company’s new momentum. This gives confidence in the evolution of your situation and a positive outlook for the Group’s business, demonstrating that your plan is bearing fruit, while at the same time putting your strategic plan under pressure internally.

6. How to assess the evolution of a crisis in the press and social networks?

In a crisis situation, it’s important to set up a press and social network monitoring system to follow developments around your company in real time, identify sensitive points and concerns in the ecosystem, be informed of any “bad buzz”, and have visibility over what’s being said around your company.

The VP agency uses press and social network monitoring and analysis software (which captures public data on X, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn and Youtube), with real-time alerts to follow the evolution of the conversation and react quickly in the event of an outburst.

Our monitoring strategy is based on three components:

  • Anticipate
  • Listen to
  • Protect

7. How to evaluate the effectiveness of crisis communication?

To assess the effectiveness of your crisis communication, you can use several criteria:

  • The speed and relevance of your reaction to the situation: were you able to take the field in time, before others spoke for you?
  • The clarity and consistency of messages disseminated externally and internally: are they well covered in the press? Are you clearly identified as your preferred contact?
  • Reactions in-house and on social networks: is there controversy or rumour? Have you addressed the main concerns?
  • Have you been able to maintain the confidence of your ecosystem?
  • Is there a lasting impact on your business, just a few weeks after the crisis?

8. What are the risks associated with crisis communication?

In crisis communication, it’s essential to assert only what is true (and therefore never lie), not to look ahead to tomorrow, nor to make a statement you wouldn’t want to appear in the press – not even internally or “off the record”.

You have to be careful not to make a statement that could later be used against the organization. This is essential to be a credible interlocutor for your entire ecosystem, otherwise your word will be constantly questioned, with the risk of a lasting loss of trust.

You also need to be careful about the sequencing of your communications, for example, if you inform the press before the employee representatives of important information concerning the company’s future (e.g. the start of legal proceedings).

And of course, if your communication isn’t controlled or adapted, the major risk is that of starting the fire yourself by escalating the situation or fuelling controversy/anger.

9. Which communication channels should be used in a crisis?

Externally: The most effective and powerful means of communicating information about your company in times of crisis is still the press release , distributed to key journalists identified in advance.

Depending on the type of crisis (a product recall, for example), it’s also possible for the company to express itself via its social networks or website, but be careful not to react too quickly or emotionally, as this could backfire later on, or to mix your “corporate” news with your commercial activities.

Internally: Use your usual communication channels to communicate with internal staff (push email, internal networks, etc.). In a crisis, if you’re going to issue a press release, it’s a good idea to share it with your staff at the same time, so that they don’t find out about an important company news item via the press, which could lead to rumors or internal concern.

10. What is the potential impact of a crisis on the organization?

Depending on their nature and intensity, crises can have a lasting impact on a company, particularly if this period of turbulence is poorly managed. The impact can be reputational, financial or operational. This can range from a temporary drop in activity to a boycott.

That’s why it is vital to master communication and respond appropriately to a crisis, in order to preserve your company’s image, reputation and business, especially if the crisis directly affects your core business (e.g. a health crisis for a catering group).

11. What are the priorities in crisis communications?

1) Speed of reaction (without haste, as it is important to be able to stand back and assess the situation)

2) Transparent messages to maintain trust and become a privileged partner

3) Reassure people that you are in control and are taking all necessary measures to respond to the situation.

4) Consistency of messages between all your audiences (internal/external…) to avoid confusion,

5) Keep informed as the crisis evolves

12. What are the key messages to communicate?

It all depends on the crisis you’re facing. In any case, for your communication to have an impact, it’s essential that messages are clear, coherent and adapted to the situation.

Through communication, it’s important to address stakeholders’ main concerns: reassure them with proof, show that you’re in control of the situation, and that you’re doing everything you can to respond. It is also important to show empathy, especially if the crisis has a direct impact on people (injured people…).

13. What's the right timing for crisis communications?

Timing is key in a crisis: it’s important to be reactive, but be careful not to give in to haste. The right time to communicate is when you have been able to bring together your crisis team to take stock of the situation, gather factual information and validate the elements you can share externally.

In any case, only assert what’s true today, and don’t think ahead to tomorrow, at the risk of contradicting yourself later.

In the event of a financial crisis involving the initiation of legal proceedings, which is a crisis that can be “anticipated” in most cases, it is important to communicate externally only after having informed the CSE, otherwise you will be committing an offence of obstruction.

14. When should a communications agency be called in during a financial crisis?

If you want to stay on top of a financial crisis, it’s best to call on a crisis communications agency BEFORE CSE (R0)The agency’s role is to participate in the construction of all the messages that will be disseminated, and not just externally.

Indeed, in a crisis, there is a great deal of porosity between the internal and external spheres: if your communication with the CSE is poorly managed or anxiety-provoking, there is a risk that this will be reflected externally, with staff representatives contacting journalists to express their concerns. This would jeopardize subsequent press communications (with the risk of losing confidence and control).

15. How to manage the different expectations and information needs of stakeholders?

To inform stakeholders and answer their questions, you can prepare common messages that can be adapted to different targets (customers, suppliers, etc.). Internally, think about a system for referring questions to the people in charge, depending on the subject. For example, refer questions from suppliers to the CFO, who will contact the supplier in question (to avoid duplication and loss of control, with employees answering directly without having all the language elements).

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